Introduction :
Test The Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh has undertaken an e-government initiative that would utilize the power of ICT to develop and disseminate critical agricultural market information to farmers, traders, government, policy makers, development agencies and other stakeholders. Under the overall coordination and support of the Government’s Support to ICT Task Force, DAM has developed the first phase of its program to automate data entry at the district level where market information of agricultural products is collected from local markets. The initiative also attempts at developing the capacity of the DAM head office in Dhaka to consolidate and coordinate dissemination of the information to government, farmers, and other stakeholders.
Objective :
The Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh has objectives. This is another sentence to demonstrate the "read more". The text will expand and contract as needed. Here is another sentence to make the text longer. This sentence will not appear with the original text.
Support to Good Governance Program
IT Cell